My name is Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro.
I am a creative and a creator.
Nice to meet you!
A truly outstanding vision — with a brand’s identity, mission, and purpose — makes the brand truly stand out.
- kerry alaric cheeseboro
KAC NYC is the umbrella brand through which I not only feature and showcase a six integrated (KAC) brands of varietal interests and two brands of a separate focus, but as well offer 30+ years of professional and freelance design experience and nearly 20 years of branding acumen and evolution to clients of all stripes who understand the importance of proper and accurate representation throughout the full array of media.
I offer the breadth of my own KAC brands, featuring content that includes photography and art, music, creative writing and poetry, and my present new life in Barbadaos.
And as well I offer my web/art/graphic design services and brand marketing development services to a variety of clients who seek to be better and more cohesively established in a variety of co-supportive media.
So you are invited to explore the artistic and creative arc of who I, Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro, am as an artist of several skills and applications, and are welcome to contact me if you are interested in having at least an initial discussion of how I can assist you in having you and/or your ideas — no matter how big or small — better suit and serve your personal or professional needs.
Click here to email me for an introduction to how I might be of best assistance to you.